Almost everybody is overloaded nowadays in terms of work and other activities. Everything must be done quick, otherwise it’ll be discarded. We run back and forth all day long, trying to meet an endless list of appointments. In this context, food and nutrition are not an exception. We eat as we live: bad and fast.
Nevertheless, there are some people who want to live better, and eating better could be a good way to start. Food Guide can become your partner in this goal, it works fast and you can take it with you anywhere. This little application provides versions compatible with desktop PCs and mobile devices. Within a few clicks or taps on the screen you’ll enter basic information about you, such as: age, gender and exercise level. Based on that information, Food Guide will provide the basic guidelines to help you balance your diet according to your body's needs.
Food Guide is a small application so it won’t provide a full menu based on the pyramid profile, but it will provide reference amounts of the different food groups you should have. Based on that, you will have to choose your food and groceries, even when you eat at home. Even when Food Guide provides amounts of food required it will also help you know how much food those quantities represent. That is to say, it’ll help you know how much rice represents a certain amount of ounces, keeping in mind that you may not have scales at hand all the time.